Negev 531 by: Dafna Tal Negev 531 by: Dafna Tal Courtesy of: Israeli Ministry of Tourism

Netzari History Part 7

1012 CE

Persecution of "heretics" (anyone that opposes the Roman Church) begins in Germany

1064 CE

Sabbath becomes a bitter dispute in the split of 1064 between western and eastern Churches.

1095 CE

Christians banned from Jerusalem

1096 CE

First Crusade under Pope Urban II

1123 CE

First Lateran Council in Rome forbids priests to marry. Celibates take over the Roman Church, which rapidly degenerates morally.

1159 CE

The British born Pope Adrian IV (Nicholas Brekespear) on his visit to Beneventum is persuaded by John of Salisbury to hand over Ireland to England under Henry II. The real purpose is to wipe out the Quartodecimans still operating in Ireland from Cashel. Only priests from Armagh are endorsed by Rome. Ireland is subjected to incredible barbarism from this point onwards. The popes for four centuries claimed the overlordship of Ireland based on Adrian's Donation. The basis of the handover of what was Hibernia to England was done on the claim of Constantine's establishment of the Roman Catholic Church:

"At my solicitation he gave and granted Hibernia to Henry II, the illustrious king of England, to hold by hereditary right, as his letter [which is extant] to this day testifies. For all islands of ancient right, according to the Donation of Constantine, are said to belong to the Roman Church, which he founded. New Advent - Catholic Encyclopedia

1179 CE

Waldensian Barbes interviewed by English monks prior to the Third Lateran Council and condemned at the Council. The original Sabbatarian Waldensian system was condemned as heresy.

Third Lateran Council. The Waldensians are condemned and the Inquisition becomes established from following councils. The Albigensian Crusades are commenced. Sabbatarians are delivered up to be burnt in large numbers from this time onwards. The Trinitarian Protestants, also known as Christians, were also involved in the persecution of the church from the Reformation.

"The inquisitors...[declare] that the sign of a Vaudois(Waldenses of France), deemed worthy of death, was that he followed Christ and sought to obey the commandments of God." History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages," H.C.Les, vol.1

1180 CE

Waldensians (anti-Trinitarians right up until the Reformation) were condemned with and under the general description Arianism in 1180 in the treatise by Bernard of Fontcaude (Adversus Vallenses et Arianos).

1184 CE

A sentence of excommunication by the Council of Verona cleared the remaining followers of Waldo out of Lyons and drove them to Provence, Dauphine, and the valleys of Piedmont, Lombardy, and some even to Germany. So numerous had they become that Innocent III sent his best legates to suppress them in the years 1198, 1201, and 1203.

1189 CE

Third Crusade

1190 CE

Council of Genoa orders Waldensians to be delivered up in chains to be burnt. Bernard of Fontcaude writes Liber Contra Vallenses.

1190-1192 CE

Sabbatarians persecuted in England and the Publiani or Pauliani were burnt at Oxford.

1192 CE

Bishop Otto of Toul ordered all Waldenses to be delivered up in chains to the Episcopal tribunal.

1202 CE

Fourth Crusade

1206 CE

Genghis Khan rules the Mongols.

1208 CE

Albigensian crusade begins, lasting until 1244 and is the subject of the most ruthless suppression. 20,000 Albigensians massacred as heretics at papal order.

1210 CE

Emperor Otho ordered the archbishop of Turin to drive the Waldenses out of his diocese, and in 1220 the Statutes of Pignerol forbade the inhabitants to harbour them. Some fled to Picardy, and Philip Augustus drove them on to Flanders. Some came to Mayence and Bingen, where 50 were burnt in 1232. (Adeney, ibid.).

1212 CE

Childrens Crusade: few of the 50,000 French and German children return. Most died or became slaves in North Africa.

1221 CE

Fifth Crusade

1228 CE

Sixth Crusade

1229 CE

The Inquisition in Toulouse, France forbids laymen to read the Bible. The Council of Toulouse published canons against the Sabbatati

Cannons against Shabbat-Keepers

Canon 3 - The lords of the different districts shall have the villas, houses and woods diligently searched, and the hiding- places of the heretics (anyone disagreeing with the doctrines of the Roman church) destroyed.

Canon 14 - Lay members are not allowed to possess the books of either the Old or the New Testaments (Hefele 5, 931,962).

1231 CE

Pope Gregory IX designs the Inquisition in an attempt to deal with those labeled "heretics".

We know from the evidence of the Inquisitions what the doctrines of the Church were at the various stages of its distribution.

The Albigensian Crusades

Albigensian Crusades of the thirteenth century consists of groups that were without doubt Sabbath-keepers. The desire of the Roman Catholic Church to disguise this fact has led to some extraordinary claims regarding the linguistic derivation of the name Sabbatati. However, we also know that they were Netzarim.

1237 CE

Pope Gregory IX sends a bull to the archbishop of Tarragona, which results in fifteen Waldensians, so called heretics by the Roman Church, being burnt, King Ferdinand himself casting wood on the fire. In the course of time these Spanish Waldensians are exterminated.

1249 CE

Seventh Crusade led by King Louis IX of France.

1270 CE

Eighth Crusade

There is evidence that the Nazarene Sect continued to exist until at least the 13th century. The writings of the Catholic teacher, Bonacursus, entitled "Against the Heretics," refer to the Nazarenes, who were also called "Pasagini." Bonacursus wrote:

"Let those who are not yet acquainted with them, please note how perverse their belief and doctrine are. First, they teach that we should obey the Law of Moses according to the letter - the Sabbath, and circumcision, and the legal precepts still being in force. Furthermore, to increase their error, they condemn and reject all the Church Fathers [heretics like Marcion, Tertullian, etc], and the whole Roman Church."

It should be noted that the followers of Yeshua are guided by the rule of law. They had in their possession the teachings of the Creator of Eternity, and they saw no good reason to stop following them! They had direct commands of YHWH which were being ignored by some in favor of man-made interpolations of things that were twisted in Yeshua's teachings.

1310 CE

The Bohemian Sabbatarians numbered one fourth of the population of Bohemia who also abounded in Austria, Lombardy, Bohemia, North Germany, Thuringia, Brabdenburg and Moravia.

1315 CE

Sabbatarians in Austria martyred and the Inquisitor of Krems denounces 36 localities, burning 130 martyrs. The bishop of Neumeister was burnt as one of these heretics in Vienna. He is said to have declared, that there were some 80,000 Waldensians in the duchy of Austria.

1348 CE

Flagelants (religious fanatics that beat themselves with whips etc.) blame Jews (for Black Death plague) & burn Jews throughout numerous cities in Europe. Sabbatarians are condemned as Jews from this time on in Europe by all Trinitarian factions.

1349 CE

Persecution of Jews breaks out in Germany.

1351 CE

1347-1351 CE 75 million Europeans have died from Black Death (Bubonic plague?)

1415 CE

Bohemian reformer Jan Hus is burned at the stake for heresy (disagreeing with the false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Apostasy).

1441-1905 CE

The Orthodox Church in Russia and its adjacent areas ruthlessly persecuted religious dissent and attempted to exterminate all Sabbatarians within their sphere of influence ( Struggle for Orthodox Supremacy) book by Daniel H. Shubin.

The period covered begins 1441 with arrival of Isidore, the metropolitan of Moscow, to the Moscow Chudov (Miracles) Monastery for incarceration. Russian Monasteries were used by the Orthodox Russian Church for the incarceration of religious dissenters and sectarians, political activists and criminals.

From this time until the edict of religious toleration of Tsar Nicholas II in 1905 CE., when the final inmates were released from the Suzdal Spasso-Evfimiev Monastery, many Sabbath keeping Christians saw the last days of their lives in the dungeons of these monastery prisons. Many Sabbath-keeping Christian women were also imprisoned in Orthodox convents.

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Sunday, 20 July 2014 17:00
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