Menorahs by: Rafael ben Ari Menorahs by: Rafael ben Ari Courtesy of: Israeli Ministry of Tourism

The Mark Part 1

Why No Teachings On The Mark Of YHWH?

I have heard countless teachings on the "Mark of the Beast". But in all my 58 years, I have never heard one single sermon or Bible study on the "Mark of YHWH". How many of you have ever known that just as there is a mark of the beast, there is also the mark of YHWH? You must choose one or the other. But the mark of the beast you earn by default of rejecting, or not knowing how to accept, the Mark of YHWH. And why has this never been taught?

"Well, that is just too Jewish", or, "That was the Old Testament. It was for the Jews. We are the new Dispensation". But it is incumbent upon the leaders of flocks to teach their congregations about the Mark of YHWH, or they will be guilty of the millions that parish out of ignorance (lack of knowledge).

These preachers and teachers know that if they taught their congregations about the Mark of YHWH, at the same time they would be exposing the lie that "Jesus nailed the law (Torah) to the cross". As we are about to see, YHWH outlined in Torah what it takes to receive His Mark. If that Law (Torah) is dead as Christianity teaches then these preachers, by default, are teaching that the Mark of YHWH is dead as well. What a paradox Christianity has gotten itself into. By divorcing itself from the Hebrew roots of the faith because that was all too Jewish, Christianity has condemned its followers to death by ignoring the Mark of YHWH.

Teaching the Mark of YHWH exposes the whole fraud of dispensationalism, the Old Testament/New Testament fallacy, and replacement theology. Most people would readily see that the old and new dispensations coined by Marcion the heretic were merely an avenue for the creation of an all world religio-political system - literally, a new world order. They would understand that there has never been two dispensations. Christianity would crumble to ruins as its doctrinal foundation of lies are exposed.

What Is The Mark?

We are told the mark of the beast will be in the hand and/or the forehead. With today's present technology we know that a microscopic computer chip can be placed under the skin. But is this just a rouse to keep us off track from understanding what the actual mark of the beast is? Is scripture talking about a tattoo or a microchip? Or is this a spiritual reference. To understand this we must turn to the Tanakh to discover what the "Mark of YAHWEH" is.

The mark in the hand and forehead are simply metaphors in the physical world. In the spiritual world, however, they are a literal mark. The hand represents labor, physical activities, and actions. The forehead represents knowledge, understanding, to serve, an oath, and what we believe.

Moshe (Moses), upon the instructions of YAHWEH, lays out the Chag haMatzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread). Following this we find the first reference of the "Mark of YAHWEH" in Shemot (Exodus) 13:9-10: "And this Moedim (Appointment - Shabbat of Unleavened Bread) shall serve you as a sign on your hand and as a reminder on your shall keep this institution at its set time from year to year."

"Then YAHWEH said to Moshe, 'Say to the Yisraelites, 'You must observe my Sabbatot (Sabbaths). This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am YAHWEH, who makes you kadosh (set apart). Observe the Sabbath, because it is kadosh (set apart) to you. Anyone who desecrates it must be put to death; whoever does any work on that day must be cut off from his people'." Shemot (Exodus) 31:12-14

After delivering the Mitzvoth (Instructions - Commandments) Moshe admonishes Yisrael, "Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead..." D'varim (Deuteronomy) 6:6-8.

Again, in D'varim 11:18 we read, "Therefore impress these my Words upon your very heart: bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, and teach them to your children..."

So, we see that there is a clear distinguishing Mark of YAHWEH that is in the hand and in the forehead of those who keep his Mitzvoth (instructions - for righteous living). It is not a tattoo or a microchip but is instead the act of obedience to the Mitzvoth of YAHWEH. By keeping His Moedim (set times - appointments) Feasts which are Shabbatot (Sabbaths), in keeping His seventh day Shabbat, and in keeping His Mitzvoth (instructions in righteousness) we have in our hand and in our forehead the "Mark of YAHWEH".

And Then There Is The Default Mark

You can reject a physical mark of the beast. But if you already rejected YHWH's Mark, by default you already have the mark of the beast whether you accept a physical mark or not.

In contrast to YHWH's Mark, above, let's compare Daniel 7:25 - "He will speak words against the Most High and will harass the Kadosh (set apart) ones of the Most High. He will think of changing times (Moedim) and laws (Mitzwot) and they will be delivered into his power for a time, times, and half a time." So he will change Pesach (Passover) and Chag haMatzot to Easter (Ishtar)...He will change YAHWEH's Mitzvoth (Instructions - Law) from the seventh day Shabbat to the first day of the week and teach that "Jesus nailed Torah (Law) to the cross".

Then we find this reference to a mark in the hand and upon the forehead in Revelation 13:15-16 - "And it was given him to put life into the image of the beast of prey; and to cause that all they who would not worship the image of the beast of prey, should be slain: and to cause that all, great and small, rich and poor, bond and free, should receive a mark on their right hands, or upon their foreheads;"

Does this mean the beast will not use a tattoo or a microchip? Not at all. He can use all means to counterfeit the "Mark of YAHWEH", especially with those who are not aware of, or do not understand, the "Mark of YAHWEH". A physical mark would just be a formality.

It Should Be Obvious

Let's clarify that the mark of the beast is the anti-thesis of the "Mark of YAHWEH". If there is a mark of the beast, there clearly must be a Mark of Yahweh. What is Christianity to do now that they have thrown YHWH's Mark on the cross with "Jesus".

YAHWEH declared the seventh day as a Kadosh (Set Apart) Shabbat - day of rest - a memorial of the creation (yes, we celebrate the creation every Shabbat). But the world religious system (anti-Mashiyach) changed YAHWEH's Moed Shabbat (appointed Sabbath) to the first day of the week to honor pagan sun worship - "Sun"-day. Christianity has chosen to have "church" on Sun-day which, upon examination, is not a Sabbath at all. Just look at all the Christians running to the restaurants, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, cutting the grass or painting the house after "Church" on Sun-day. Where is the Shabbat – rest – in that?

Rather than observing and keeping Kadosh YAHWEH's Moed Pesach (Passover - Mark of YHWH), Christianity has chosen to honor the pagan holy day of Ishtar (Easter - mark of the beast). They have even incorporated the very same pagan egg laying rabbits as the fertility symbolism of this pagan holy day. They topped it off with slaughtered swine just as the Babylonians observed the death and resurrection of Tamuz.

Christianity changed the date of Mashiyach's birth from the first of Sukkote (Feast of Tabernacles - Mark of YHWH) to the birthday of Tammuz, Sol Invictus and a host of other pagan dieties (mark of the beast) - see Yeshua vs Jesus on this web site. But, this is not a Moed of YAHWEH. Nowhere in scripture are we instructed to observe the birth of anyone.

How are we instructed to remember Mashiyach? Through His death and resurrection, "In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me'." 1 Corinthians 11:25. Make yourself a special mental note that this is the Brit Chadasha (New Covenant) and not a new Torah - the "New Covenant" does not abolish Torah.

The vast majority of Christian denominations do not observe, preach, nor understand the seven Kadosh Moedim Feasts of YAHWEH, all of which point to Mashiyach. This world religio-political system has totally created their own holy days while pushing aside YAHWEH's Moedim (Mark of YHWH). This is man trying to dictate to Elohim how and when man will worship himself as the creator as opposed to man observing and honoring how YAHWEH has instructed us to approach Him. It clearly is the religious system of anti-Mashiyach with a distinct mark in the hand and in the forehead.

Click here to continue to The Mark Part 2

Written by 
Wednesday, 23 July 2014 17:00
Read 9530 times
Last modified on Sunday, 03 August 2014 20:42

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