Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Photo courtesy of Israeli Ministry of Tourism

James The Just

In the Christian Bible we find a book called, "The Book of James". We find reference to Yeshua's brother as "James" in the Book of Acts. But as we are about to discover, this is a misnomer.

Yeshua's brother's name was not "James". There is no equivalent in Hebrew for the Anglo English name "James". In Hebrew, the brother of Messiah became the head of the Jerusalem council. His decisions were seen as "Just", but he was actually known as "The Righteous Teacher", hence "...The Righteous".  So, why is this book named "James" and why is Messiah's brother called "James" in the Christian Bible?

To honor King James, and to put him on a level with the brother of Yeshua as a "Righteous Teacher" and a "Just Counselor", the King James scribes intentionally changed the name of Messiah's brother and the book bearing his name to James.

The actual name of Yeshua's brother in Hebrew is bqoi - Yaachov (Ya-chov). And bqoi - Yaachov can "only" be translated as "Jacob". There is no other translation for Yaachov other than "Jacob".

The book of "James", therefore, is actually the book of "Jacob". The brother of Messiah was named "Jacob" and as the Head of the Jerusalem Council he was known as qidye bqoi - Yaachov haTsadiq (tsa-deeq), "Jacob The Righteous". The "tsa" sound is like "pizza" or like ts in parts.


Written by 
Sunday, 20 November 2016 00:00
Read 7420 times
Last modified on Sunday, 20 November 2016 12:45

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