Tiberias - unknown author Tiberias - unknown author Courtesy of: Israeli Ministry of Tourism

The Faith Once Delivered

In these pages you will discover who the Netzarim are. You will learn how the world religious system has repeatedly attempted to exterminate the faith once delivered to the set-apart believers. The history will demonstrate how a remnant has walked out the faith since the time of the Shlichim (Apostles).

Through all of these pages you will learn how the world religious system took a Hebrew Messiah and put him in a Roman uniform through lies, false doctrines, swindling, and murder. Yet, through it all, this remnant continues to survive - those who keep the commandments of YHWH and the testimony of Yeshua.

To truly know the Hebrew Messiah, Yeshua, you must forget just about everything you have learned in the world religious system. That prejudiced indoctrination will cloud your understanding and your ability to learn the truth. Once you have been set free from the world religious system, you should be able to see how the Stockholm Syndrome kept you in it's abusive grasp.

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Friday, 25 July 2014 17:00
Read 5920 times